Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to Learn Spanish on your iPad with the Youngblood Kids

My children, Naia and Cole, have decided that they want to learn how to speak Spanish.  We downloaded a pretty awesome app from the app store and now these two are off and running.

We learned "elephant" along with several others..... Elefante is the only word that has stuck ... so far!

What did you use to learn Spanish? 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Script to Get More Listings and Seller Leads

Hello Again my friendly real estate professionals!  In February I attended the single largest real estate convention in the country.  I took many classes, most of which were designed to help me help you better.

And, having said that, my coach recommended that I attend a class called "90 Listings in 90 Days".  OK, even I can admit, that sounded crazy, yet someone had done it and I wanted to learn about it.

It was an awesome story of an agent who had been in the market for 17 years.  He had a team, of which no one had been licensed for more than 9 months.  As a matter of fact, no one had ever lasted on his team for more than 1 year.  He averaged about 3-6 new listings a month and every one was broke.

His coach-wait, what??  he had a real estate coach?-recommended this 90 day challenge and he took it on!  Today I want to share one the amazing scripts he used and how he used it.

Game Plan:
8am-8:30: Practice your scripts (if you're in coaching, does this sound familiar?)
8:30-9:00: Run around the office, eat a donut, send a text, curl your hair, whatever you want.
9:00-11:00: Get on the phone and read this script verbatim to as many people as will answer!

Now, the inevitable question always is: Where do I get numbers?

Easy: Contact your local marketing representative for a title company and order a phone farm for as many neighborhoods as they will allow!

Easiest: Get the phone book, essentially your areas LARGEST Farm.

I want to prep you for the roller coaster of emotion you may feel as you embark on this adventure in lead generation.
1. Excitement-"OK, I can do this!"
2. Nervousness-"OK, wait a minute, am I actually going to do this?" (YES)
3. Anxiety-"What if some answers the phone?"  "What if I set an appointment?"  "What if....?"
4. Self-Doubt-Someone will answer the phone and then you'll hang up.  It happens.
5. Impatience- "No one is answering" "These numbers suck" "This doesn't work" (KEEP DIALING)
6. Accomplishment- "YES!  Someone answered!" "I set an appointment!" "This is awesome!"

The true test will be that if you do decide to actually get on the phone, getting past #5.  This is the point where most give up... on pretty much anything in their lives.

Use this script.  It works if you work.  Remember, that next dial could be your best contact all day.  Don't quit before the finish line!

Here's the link to the Circle Prospecting Script:

Circle Prospecting Script

For access to a real estate coach, more free real estate scripts or to just check out a pretty cool looking website, checkout mine!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Las Vegas Real Estate Market Update with Julie Youngblood

It's that time again, the time we as real estate professionals get in touch with our market!  I've taken special care to compile these figure for our local real estate market.

As of today there are 6417 SFR homes available.
457 are REO
988 are short sales
4972 are traditional sales

Last week there were 822 SFR put into escrow!
94 were REO
195 were short sales
533 were traditional sellers

There were 661 closings last week.
74 were REO
94 were short sales
493 were traditional sellers!

There were 136 Expired listings.  If you see the opportunity in calling expired listings, visit my website for access to free real estate scripts that will help you close the deal!